• Callus

    Foot calluses, those thickened patches of skin that develop in response to pressure and friction, are a common condition many individuals encounter. While often harmless, they can be bothersome and sometimes lead to discomfort or pain. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to unravel the

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  • Caloric Testing

    The human sense of balance is a delicate orchestration of intricate mechanisms within the inner ear. Caloric testing, a specialized diagnostic procedure, takes center stage in unraveling the mysteries of vestibular function. In this exploration, we delve into the significance, procedures, and applications

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  • Cancer Pain Management

    Cancer pain is a complex condition that can be caused by the cancer itself, or as a side effect of treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. It’s a specialized pain condition that requires a comprehensive and personalized approach to manage effectively. The Complexity of Cancer Pain Cancer

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  • Candidiasis

    Candidiasis is an infection caused by the yeast Candida. Candida skin infections (cutaneous candidiasis) can occur at any site, but tends to favor warm, damp environments such as the skin folds and the groin region. Candida infections can also occur in the mouth (oral thrush) and in or around the nails

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  • Canker/Cold Sores

    People sometimes confuse canker sores and cold sores, but they are completely unrelated. Both can be painful, but knowing the differences can help you keep them in check. A canker sore is typically one that occurs on the delicate tissues inside your mouth. It is usually light-colored at its base and

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  • Capsule Endoscopy

    OVERVIEW Capsule endoscopy is a procedure that makes use of a wireless camera in a capsule. This type of endoscopy allows your gastroenterologist to get a live look at your small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum), which is the middle portion of the digestive tract. Video images of your gastrointestinal

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  • Capsulectomy, Capsulotomy, Capsulorrhaphy

    OVERVIEW When a foreign object gets inside your body, it forms a protective capsule of scar tissue around it. This scar tissue can get thick over time. This thickened scar tissue capsule can hold the implants in place for breast implants. However, this can cause a problem wherein the capsules tighten

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  • Capsulitis of the Second Toe

    Capsulitis of the second toe, though less commonly known than other foot conditions, can be a source of significant discomfort and inconvenience. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of capsulitis, exploring its causes, symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and effective management

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  • Car Seat Recommendations

    One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when your child is riding in a vehicle.Each year, thousands of young children are killed or injured in car crashes. Proper use of car safety seats helps keep children safe. But, because so many different seats are on the market,

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  • Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing

    OVERVIEW If you're looking for a way to achieve smoother, younger-looking skin, you may want to consider carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. This cosmetic procedure involves the removal of the top layer of your skin as well as stimulating the production of collagen from deep within, resulting in the formation

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  • Cardiac Catheterization

    Cardiac catheterization, a cornerstone of modern cardiology, is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that provides invaluable insights into the heart's structure and function. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the purpose, procedure, applications, and significance of cardiac catheterization

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  • Cardiomyopathy

    Cardiomyopathy is a term that encompasses a group of heart muscle diseases affecting the heart's ability to pump blood efficiently. While the condition may not be as widely recognized as some other cardiovascular issues, its impact on heart function can be profound and, in some cases, life-threatening.

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  • Cardiovascular Conditioning

    Cardiovascular conditioning improves circulation and strengthens the heart, lungs and blood vessels. It builds endurance and strength for the heart muscle, whether a person is well or recovering from a disease or injury. Exercise conditions the heart to work more efficiently, which helps prevent heart

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  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a progressive and sometimes painful joint disorder caused by a compression of the median nerve of your hand. The compression causes swelling, which exerts pressure on the nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome is probably the most common source of wrist pain. Symptoms may include soreness,

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  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. The condition occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome The carpal tunnel

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  • Cataract Surgery

    When cataracts reach the stage where they are seriously decreasing an individual's vision, cataract surgery is called for. In this common procedure, the doctor removes the natural lens in the patient's eye, which is replaced by a permanent lens implant. The implant is made specifically to fit the patient's

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