• Clostridium Difficile infection

    OVERVIEW Clostridium difficile is a bacteria that can cause inflammation and the formation of ulcers in your large intestine, a condition that's medically known as ulcerative colitis. It may also be referred to as C. diff or C. difficile What are the Causes of Clostridium Difficile Infection? C. difficile

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  • Clubfoot

    Clubfoot is a congenital condition that affects the positioning and alignment of a newborn's foot or feet. This condition, also known as congenital talipes equinovarus, is characterized by an inward and downward rotation of the foot, making it appear as though the foot is turned inwards at the ankle.

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  • Cochlear Implant Assessment

    Cochlear implant assessment is a pivotal step in the journey toward improved hearing. It involves comprehensively evaluating an individual's auditory abilities and unique needs. This assessment lays the groundwork for tailoring cochlear implant settings to ensure optimal performance, clarity, and comfort

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  • Cochlear Implant Mapping/Programming

    Embarking on the journey to rediscover the symphony of sound through cochlear implants involves a crucial stage known as mapping or programming. In this informative exploration, we delve into the intricacies of cochlear implant mapping, unraveling its significance, the methodologies employed, and the

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  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Pain

    The Power of the Mind in Pain Management Pain is not just a physical sensation. It is a complex experience influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This is where cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) comes into play. CBT is a psychological treatment that helps individuals understand the interplay

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  • Cold Packs

    The application of ice to an injured area of the body is often an early treatment used to reduce swelling and inflammation. This technique is applied in cases of bone fractures, sprains, strains, pulled muscles or other sports injuries. Ice is applied to the injury for 20 minutes 2-4 times daily until

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  • Colon Cancer

    OVERVIEW Colon cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the United States. More than 150,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer, and more than 50,000 die from it. That's why it's important to learn about colon cancer - its symptoms, risk factors, and how to reduce your chances of developing

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  • Colon Polyps

    OVERVIEW Colon polyps are growths on the surface of the large intestine (colon and rectum) that can be benign (non-cancerous) or cancerous. The most common type is an adenoma, a benign growth that has the potential to become cancerous in the future. Another common type of polyp is hyperplastic polyp,

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  • Colonoscopy

    OVERVIEW Routine screening is an essential health maintenance tool that can help detect disease at an early stage when it is most treatable. Colonoscopy is a screening test that helps find polyps in the colon and rectum before they turn into cancer. Polyps are growths on the lining of the colon or rectum

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  • Color Vision Deficiencies

    Color vision deficiency is a term that is used to describe one of a number of hereditary or acquired color vision problems. The inherited form is the most common deficiency. It affects both eyes and does not worsen over time. This type of color vision deficiency occurs more in males than in females.

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  • Common Allergens: Identifying and Managing

    Allergies, a widespread health concern, occur when the immune system reacts to usually harmless substances. Recognizing and managing common allergens is crucial for those affected. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of prevalent allergens, offering insights into identification and

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  • Common Fungal Problems

    Common toe fungal problems can be a persistent source of discomfort and embarrassment. This in-depth guide unravels the mysteries of fungal infections affecting the toes. From understanding the various types of toe fungal problems to exploring effective treatment strategies, this article aims to equip

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  • Common Myths

    In spite of its long recognition by the medical community and the government as a safe, proven, and effective treatment, many people today still have misconceptions about chiropractic care. Daniel David Palmer, who is known as the father of chiropractic, bore the brunt of criticism for creating this

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  • Common Triggers and Symptoms

    Childhood allergies can be a source of concern for parents, impacting a child's well-being and daily activities. Understanding common triggers and symptoms is crucial for early identification and effective management. This guide delves into pediatric allergies, shedding light on prevalent triggers and

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  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

    Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that typically affects one limb, usually following an injury. CRPS is believed to be caused by damage to, or malfunction of, the peripheral and central nervous systems. Symptoms of CRPS CRPS is characterized by prolonged or excessive pain

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  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluation

    Achieving optimal hearing health begins with a comprehensive hearing evaluation—an intricate process that is the foundation for understanding the nuances of an individual's auditory capabilities. In this informative guide, we explore the critical aspects of a comprehensive hearing evaluation, elucidating

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